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  • Billionaire Bachelor: Lily LaVae Collection (Diamond Bridal Agency) Page 4

Billionaire Bachelor: Lily LaVae Collection (Diamond Bridal Agency) Read online

Page 4

  “Oh, no. I think you’ll be with me in the suite,” he replied. How had he ever stayed away from her? Now that she was here, he couldn’t. The agency had somehow known exactly what he wanted, and that was Gen. No woman had affected him that much, that fast. His breath came a little faster as his heart sped.

  “It’ll be difficult to maintain the separation you want if I’m right there with you. It would be best if I just went to bed.” She backed away, the tips of her fingers trailed the hem of her short nightgown and he strode up to her, the pull irresistible. He’d wanted Gen for years, she’d been the closest thing he’d ever come to loving a woman.

  “There are times when I’ll expect separation. This isn’t one of them.” He thrust his hand into her silken hair, unable to wait a second longer, and kissed her, just like he’d wanted to all those years ago. She was hot, and his kiss soon pulled a groan from her throat as she pressed against him and held tight. Her quick response only fired him further.

  “Does that mean I’m to stay with you?” She pressed closer.

  He trailed his hand down her neck and over one breast, watching it tighten under his gentle caress.

  “I didn’t want this. I didn’t want a woman who would take my mind away from my job. I don’t know how I’m going to manage to do this. But I do know that I wanted you to be with me.” He slid his hand down the back of her leg and up her thigh, the skin softer than he’d ever dreamed. He cupped her rear and pulled her tight to him, and it wasn’t close enough.

  “I think the agency forgot one important bit of clothing.” His one hand remained firmly on the heavenly curve of her rear as the other slid farther up to her waist.

  She hid her head in his chest. “They didn’t provide panties for this day, and all my other clothes are in my luggage, still out in the car.”

  He laughed, but couldn’t believe the agency had somehow knew that would turn his blood to fire. If he’d slipped his hand up her leg, as he’d wanted to earlier, he’d have discovered that fact on the plane…

  He deepened the kiss, only separating to bunch her nightgown up and yank it over her head to toss it on the other side of the room where it belonged. She was glorious, all curves, cream and pink. He stood, unable to catch his breath, staring down at her, his heart pounding in his chest. She stood, staring at him, taking him in with a hunger to match his own. She unbuttoned his shirt, and he jerked it over his head, needing to feel her skin against his and unbuttoning would take too much time. Once started, he couldn’t get undressed fast enough and he’d wished he’d done it while she’d been in the bathroom.

  “Gen,” he kissed her again, then explored her neck. Her skin was soft and warm. “I’m going to take you unless you tell me no.” He slowed the kiss to wait for her.

  She reached around him, her fingertips grazing his skin. “I agreed to marry whoever was at the airport waiting for me. If you want this to stop, you’re asking the wrong person.” She stepped away from him. “If you want to stop, it will have to be your choice.”

  When he stood before her, bare to her wide gaze, he finally saw the appreciation in her eyes that he’d been waiting to see all day, maybe for years. Her silence had hurt back then. His money didn’t impress her, but he did, and that was all that mattered now. She stepped forward, bolder than he expected, and he took her lips again, letting his hands wander over every soft curve he could reach, memorizing every inch of her with his hands.

  He found the soft folds between her thighs, the secret place that would make her his forever, and gently circled the apex with his thumb. Gen broke their kiss and threw her head back, a groan escaping he.

  “If I only have you once, I want to make sure you never forget it.” He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed, he laid her down on his side. She stared up at him, her eyes hot and lips swollen with his kiss. He climbed over her, finding that hot, swollen place once again, continuing her pleasure. She rocked under him to the rhythm of his hand. Her body arched up. She was so close, too close.

  “I can’t have this over so quickly.” He stopped the movement and made his way up her body, taking one rose nipple in his mouth, teasing and tempting until she was begging his name.

  “Please, Will. I can’t take any more.”

  But she would. “That’s what you think.” He chuckled and directed her hand to cover him, showing her just how to return the pleasure.

  “And what do I do next?” She asked, breathless. He had no doubt that she knew about sex, the general mechanics of it, but he’d teach her just what to do for him. His hunger for her burned, she would be perfect for him, and only for him.

  “I’d rather show you than tell you.” He smiled. She gasped as he took her other supple nipple in his mouth. She shuddered and her hold on him tightened. He had to hurry, or he would miss her.

  “Do I do that to you?” She was so breathless, he struggled to hear her.

  Gen took charge, sliding her hands up his torso and then around him, tugging him over her. She nibbled tentatively at his nipple and his need tensed, hard, urgent.

  She arched her hips, allowing him to glide inside. He couldn’t stop the momentum if he’d tried, and the beat of the music in their minds soon built to a pitch, and they both collapsed on the bed as it squeezed to its height, then ebbed.

  Gen in the flesh was better than any teenage dream, and she was his for life if he wasn’t stupid enough to send her away. He moved off her and tucked her close to his chest, her breathing still ragged and she clung to him. Her hair lay in silken ribbons over his chest, and he gently moved them away, kissing her temple, her cheek, the side of her lips. His lips felt her blush before he could see it.

  “I’m sorry. I had nothing else to wear. That’s what the agency sent… Please, don’t hate me.” Her voice quivered.

  He tipped her chin to look at him. He didn’t want her embarrassed, he wanted her languid with her pleasure. “You don’t have to apologize. You’re too tempting by far.”

  She slid away from him and sat up, her back facing him. “Then I’ve failed already.”

  He rested his head on his hand, watching her. She had yet to do anything he’d expected. No one in his life had made him think so hard about his next move, his next word. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You wanted a wife who didn’t affect you. That’s why you didn’t want me, because our shared history means I affect you.”

  It certainly did, and he wasn’t about to give it up now. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Let’s get some sleep. We’ll worry about what comes next in the morning.”

  She stood to retrieve her nightgown. While she was more beautiful to him physically than he could say, it was Gen, the fun friend who was always up for an adventure that wouldn’t allow him to let her go. Had Gen been as interested back then as he’d been? Was this part of their destiny? Maybe he was starting to believe in chance.


  Taking her time to get ready carefully, Gen tried to decide if she was pleased with the direction they’d taken the night before, or not.

  They got word from Carter that the car was ready, and she didn’t want to leave the hotel. Last night, she’d been safe, but at home, she’d be a few miles away from her father. Not near far enough.

  They rode down the elevator together, yet, even in the cramped space, she couldn’t look him in the eye. What they’d done had been glorious, but it was like sleeping with a stranger. Will wasn’t the boy she knew back in school. He was a man. A man who made her feel tense, jittery, and silky hot all at once. In fact, if there had been time, she’d lock them in the elevator and start over. But she couldn’t, not if she was to maintain the wall he wanted.

  Will wanted a dutiful wife, one who would join him when he asked and avoid him when he didn’t. That morning, he’d barely said a word to her as she’d climbed from their bed and combed her hair. He’d disappeared into the shower and came out of the bathroom in another expensive suit, everything about him
completely business. And no part of that was hers.

  She put on the same suit she’d worn the day before, concealing the tiny nightgown in her purse. She hadn’t brought anything else that wasn’t still in the car. The agency had told her to keep all her clothes in the big bags except what she would need for one night. That was to be kept in a side pouch of her purse. The agency knew all and was quite prepared for any situation. They were in the business of keeping wealthy business men happy.

  She couldn’t say it hadn’t been worth it. There was no way she would’ve had a night like that with anyone but Will. When he looked at her with those smoldering dark blue eyes, she would do about anything for him. Her belly tightened even now, thinking about it.

  As soon as the car left the hotel, she turned to talk to him, but he reached into the pouch of the seat in front of him for his phone, pressed a few buttons, and then started talking to someone on the other end. The conversation held little appeal since it was all about money, business dealings, and partnerships. It was about a three-hour drive from Dallas back home to Casper and, the whole first hour, she spent looking out the window. Because Will was busy.

  When he finished, he rested his head on the seat back and closed his eyes. For a newly wedded husband, he had very little interest in her. In fact, last night had been the only time he had. Perhaps that was just what he wanted in a relationship. She’d become little more than a high-class booty call with a title. She crossed her arms and slid away from him, closer to the window.

  His phone beeped and he picked it up again, this time she recognized the name.

  “Yes, Mrs. Feast, we’re on our way. Another two hours or so.”

  She heard muffled yet shrill talking on the other end.

  “Well, that’s not really a surprise, her brother is coming home, too. I don’t doubt that Carter will take her back home as soon as we arrive. Though, I would guess she’ll be over often while we’re home. I’ll need Carter there with me every day.”

  More garbled, excited talk.

  “Is that so? She might get a bit of a shock. Did you prepare the extra room, the purple one?”

  Gen couldn’t keep from listening. Extra room? That had to be for her, but why bother now? They’d spent the night together, had he tired of her that quickly? She’d been a virgin… Hadn’t had a clue how to really please him. Her pride stung. He hadn’t tired of Maddie that quickly.

  “Good, perfect. I think the lavender room was an excellent choice. She’ll like that one.”

  She turned away again and popped in the available earbuds, so she wouldn’t have to hear the remainder of the conversation, nor would she have to listen to Will’s silence once he was done. If he’d had anything to say to her that morning, he’d have said it already. Where had she gone wrong?

  He slipped the phone back into the seat pocket and wove his fingers behind his head, leaning back and relaxing. He probably didn’t get much opportunity to do so. What right did she have to expect him to entertain her, or explain anything? Though, her thoughts couldn’t calm her down. They’d been married for less than a day and hadn’t seen each other for ten years, didn’t he wonder about anything? She certainly did.

  She slipped her heels off and curled her legs up on the seat, listening to country music as the endless dry grass of Texas flew by her window. Two hours later and the scenery had all become far too familiar. Her stomach clenched as they drove by her own driveway and she glanced at Will, just to make certain he hadn’t changed his mind, but he made no move to tell the driver to stop.

  Her stomach had almost settled after they’d driven up Will’s long drive. When the car came to a stop, Carter came back and opened Will’s door. Before he was even fully standing, the screen door to his house slammed open and Maddie ran down the stairs and across the lawn, throwing her arms around Will’s neck and kissing him full on the lips.

  Gen couldn’t move. Will was right there in front of the door and he wasn’t making any effort to remove Maddie from her perch. In fact, Maddie seemed quite in the throes of passion, sliding her leg up his, and blocking him in with her body and the door of the car.

  Carter finally put a stop to it and tugged his sister back as she licked her lips. Maddie had always been brazen where Will was concerned, but Gen hadn’t seen either of them in so many years, she’d just assumed their relationship ended when they all parted ways.

  Maddie wore cut-offs, short enough that the pockets stuck out both in front and back, along with a cami, the ample evidence of her lack of bra poked out for all the world to see. She wore more makeup than a Cover Girl ad, and cowgirl boots. Her baby-doll pigtails seemed adolescent in comparison.

  “Billy-boy, it’s so good to finally have you home. Will you be staying long?”

  Carter handed him a tissue and Will wiped his mouth off and shoved the tissue in his pocket. “I don’t know how long I’ll be staying, Maddie, but I do know that most of the time, I’ll be working. In fact, your brother and I have a meeting with the county commissioner in two hours.”

  Wasn’t he going to tell her that he was married? To go away? To not call him Billy as he had told her? Anything? Maddie latched on to his arm as he strode toward the house, without even a backward glance. Had he forgotten Gen was even there? She slid awkwardly from the back seat, quivering with fury from her roots to her toes. They might only have a marriage on paper, but that didn’t mean he could just run off with the first woman he saw.

  The driver came around, carrying her two bags. “I’ll take these to your room, miss.”

  Part of her wanted to correct him, she wasn’t a miss anymore. But maybe that wasn’t true. Maybe Will had done what he thought he had to do to get her to Texas. He might even use her as a pawn to find out what her father was up to. It had seemed like he’d cared the night before, but that easily could have been an act. Men were lusty creatures, and she’d not only allowed herself to be used, she’d asked for it. If he returned her to the agency now, she couldn’t be signed on again. She was no longer a virgin.

  She pushed through the door, the driver on her heals. “Which room, sir?” he glanced to Will, who was, again, thoroughly wrapped in Maddie’s arms.

  Maddie glanced up and her eyes locked with Gen’s in hot contempt. “What are you doing here?”

  Will’s short, dark laughter echoed through the large kitchen, slicing at her already frayed nerves.

  “She’s my wife.”


  Maddie looked daggers at Gen, and Will knew it was time to put a stop to the games. Maddie was more cloying than perfume and it was time to clear his house of her.

  “Carter, why don’t you take your sister home, then come back here so we can get this business done with.” He never liked coming home. Everywhere else he went, people treated him with respect, looked up to him, awed over him, but not at home. Here, he was just Billy Orion, Dan’s son. It didn’t matter how much he acquired or what titles he took on, no one cared out here in the middle of Texas.

  Maddie slid her hands up his chest again. He almost wished he could say she made him feel something, but after what he’d had the night before, Maddie wasn’t even a second best. She nipped at his bottom lip.

  “For being married, that sure was a warm welcome.”

  He gripped her waist and set her away from him like a puppy he wanted to train to sit. “I think we both know that’s not true. Let’s not embarrass you further by talking about it.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “I’ll be here every day. I missed you once Billy Orion, I won’t miss out again.”

  She slid around him and Carter shrugged as he followed her. Maddie was two years younger than him, the same age as Gen, and Maddie had been the baby of the family. She got away with everything and Carter never did more than go along with what his baby sister wanted. It was only a matter of time before life called her bluff. He just didn’t want to be the one to provide the situation.

  Gen came down the stairs, finally in clothes that suited her. She wore a s
lim fitting pair of jeans and long-sleeved cotton shirt, both accentuating a body he could no longer forget. Her golden hair was in a thick braid down her back. Now, that’s how a woman dressed to get noticed. He couldn’t miss a single curve, especially the one on her lips. She was pissed.

  She strode past him and headed for the door.

  “Where are you off to?” He asked, curious as to where she would go on his ranch. Did he need to worry about her rushing back to her father, telling him she’d made it? He’d made certain she didn’t know anything about the meeting that afternoon, nor what his plans were, for that very reason. He still had doubts, though he didn’t want to.

  “I’m just going outside.” She didn’t even turn to face him. He strode forward and turned her around.

  “Outside where?”

  Her glance flitted all over the room, then finally settled on his chin. “I just need some air.”

  “I’ll give you some of mine.” He bent down to taste her full lips and she ducked under his arm and out the door, slamming it in his face.


  He followed her outside, catching up with her between the house and the barn, he grabbed her arm to get her to stop.

  “Gen. Why are you running from me? You’re my wife, let’s talk about this.”

  Her eyes snapped as she shoved his hands off her. “I’m your wife? Just at this moment or only when you need me? Maybe only when you want the convenience? Maybe only for show? Is this one of the times you want separation?” She repeated his words from the night before, slapping him with them.

  He flexed his fists and stuffed down the anger brewing deep inside him. She wouldn’t understand a thing about his life or how hard it was to constantly keep people at bay. Everyone wanted a piece of him. “I don’t need anybody.”

  “That so? I’ll remember that.” She turned on her heel and dashed into the barn.

  Damn her. His bride was supposed to make things easier, be there for him, relieve him of the endless boring scripted chatting at parties. She wasn’t supposed to make life more stressful and accuse him of doing shit. He made his way back to the house as Carter returned, parked the car, and got out.